You're certainly not alone, as that happens each and every weekend in cities all across the country. When searching for their wedding entertainment, most couples are going through that process for the first time, and quite frankly do not know what to look for, what questions to ask, or even where to begin.
This brings them to the default question: "How much do you charge?" Now if you were buying a loaf of bread, or a gallon of milk, that would be a valid question, and a great place to start, right? Why is that? Because the two things that I listed above are for the most part, simple commodities.
Look at it this way, imagine that you and your fiance are headed out to the movie theater to catch a movie. You visit the concession stand, and make your way to your seat. As the curtain goes up, and the movie begins, this particular film never really captures your attention, as a matter of fact, you are completely disinterested! You begin to ask yourselves: "Do we want to waste the next hour and a half of our lives and sit through this, or do we want to leave?"
On the flip side of that coin, put yourself in that very same situation, except for the fact that the movie is phenomenal! From beginning to end, it captures your attention, and you feel like you are a part of the movie. You connect with the characters, you laugh with them, sometimes even cry with them. In short, you are emotionally connected with the movie, so much so that you did not even want to get up to use the restroom, in fear of missing something. Even though this movie may have been 3 hours long, you were simply not ready for it to end.
Weddings are very similar in that regard, as you can actually get the same types of feelings and reaction from your guests. Either they're engaged in every moment, and enjoying it from beginning to end, or on the other end of the spectrum, it could be like the first movie that I mentioned above, one where they are looking at their watches, wondering when the best time to slip out would be.
In order for your wedding to be the captivating, engaging, and incredible event that you deserve, you have to have a great supporting cast, which in this case, equates to who you choose to guide and direct you through the evening. Do you want a DJ who will simply play music, yet take no involvement in the direction of your wedding? Do you want someone attempting to guide and direct you through your evening who quite simply is not qualified to do so? It's kind of like a movie with really bad acting! Even though the premise of the movie was great, the delivery was really bad, and they weren't able to convey the thought and emotion intended, leaving a lot to be desired.
My question to you is: As you are planning your wedding, which "movie" do you want your guests to see?
For more information, please feel free to contact me via e-mail, or on my website.